A Whisper of Hope.

Life without hope is no life at all. Hope is a source of expectation, motivation and desire. It keeps our dreams alive.

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19 NIV

News reports regularly inform us of situations where hope has been abandoned. It tells us that the optimistic possibilities are no longer an option. Instead there is discouragement, despondency and despair. Hopelessness can mean giving up physically, mentally and spiritually.

Many years ago I sat as a patient in a hospital meeting. It was clear from the level of my depression and my alcoholism that I had no wish to carry on living.  A group of professionals were discussing my past and projecting my future.

The psychiatrist said something that I will never forget. “If I had gone through what she’d gone through, I would want to kill myself too. I’m 98% sure that if we discharge her, she will be dead in a week.” I sat silently but thought to myself, ‘If I stay here another week I’m 100% sure I’ll be dead.’’ I could understand why I felt so hopeless, but I couldn’t understand why this should impact on anyone else.  I didn’t want to be in a place where there was such negativity, so a few days later I discharged myself.

As a result of what I can only describe as a small miracle I was offered a place at a residential rehab. They too had realistic doubts but at the same time they had a whisper of hope. But that’s all I needed. A whisper. It didn’t need to come from me. Someone else’s hope, no matter how insignificant, was infinitely better than none.

“When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” Author Unknown

As I started to heal from my past, so the whisper of hope started to become part of my being. It filled those spaces where there had once been pain.Today I don’t question whether I have hope ~ it’s simply become a part of me. It’s the part that overcomes my doubts and fears. It’s the part  that perseveres even when I don’t want to. It’s the part that refuses to give up.

“My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.”
~ Maya Angelou

And as for my hopes for the future? I have dreams for myself and for my family. They fill me with joy, excitement and anticipation of good things to come. For I now know that no matter how impossible my life may become, there will always be hope.  And all it takes, is a whisper.

Top image http://www.etsy.com/listing/56520466/love-hope-joy-fine-art-print  thanks to http://www.marybethvolpini.com/                                                                                              Bottom image thanks to Barbara German http://www.etsy.com/listing/55482616/hope-catcher-print-of-mixed-media


62 thoughts on “A Whisper of Hope.

  1. When I talk about hope to people I remind them that hope in God isn’t ‘keep your fingers crossed’ sort of hope. It is a certain hope as certain as the power of God! Great encouragement Carolyn!

  2. Carolyn, your writing stirs my heart deeply. What a tender, vulnerable story here… and packed with so much Truth. Faith, hope, and love are indeed the greatest forces in the universe, and without hope, you have nothing.

    I’m so glad you held on to that whisper of hope… and I believe you’re helping your readers cling to the Hope that is pervasive all throughout your blog – THANKS!

    Great quotes, too… especially: “My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.”
    ~ Maya Angelou – WOW! That is my heart’s desire, too!

  3. My heart hurts to think you went through that. There have been times I’ve felt hopeless, but my Mother’s support lovingly gave me hope all the time. Now I reach for those memories whenever I feel low.

    Hugs, Carolyn, you have a beautiful way of expressing yourself. I remember the first time I met you, at Cathy’s place – and your bio said you were writing a book “The hurt healer”. I know it would be valuable to so many, and make a difference. Have you finished it? 😀

    Thank you for sharing your story. Love, Vidya

    • Hi Vidya! I remember that too! Actually my book ‘The Hurt Healer’ is a a novel aimed at teenagers. But I’m considering writing a non-fiction book along the lines of the blog. The more support I receive from wonderful people like you Vidya, the more I believe in myself! 🙂

  4. Carolyn,
    A whisper of hope… it is amazing what hope in just the slightest amount can do. I’m so glad you had someone care enough to give that glimmer of hope to you… God was not through with your mission here on earth.
    Thanks for sharing yet another inspiring part of your life.

  5. As always Carolyn, Your blog is amazing, and You are the little whisper of hope for others when they cease to hear their own inner voice! You share things others wouldn’t dream of sharing, and that in itself takes true strength and courage. I am so proud of what You have achieved and how you have managed to turn your very tough and negative experiences into an inspiration! I think You were given a certain life, because You had the strength to get through it, and You are now in a position to help others that are going through the same. No one likes advice from someone who has no understanding of where that person is, or what they have been through, and You Carolyn, have been through Your fair share. You Go Girl!!! Keep doing what You’re doing, because it is essential in this day and age! Thank You for sharing, it is heartfelt, it is real, and I love reading about Your journey that brings hope …

    • Thank you so much for your time in leaving such heartfelt and loving comments. The reason I can share my story and experiences like I do, is because I’ve spent a long time overcoming them, dealing with them and learning how to keep them where they belong – in the past. It humbles me to think someone could be inspired by my blog. I know that there are so many people hurting for all sorts of reasons. But pain is pain yet somehow we survive. The key is to survive with hope. Love and blessings.

  6. There are times when only a little whisper of hope and faith is the only we have left to survive and to constantly remind ourselves that everything will gonna be alright. This is what I tell myself all the time…Carolyn, you always have an inspiring blog, I so love, love reading it….thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Excellent inspirational post Carolyn! I am so glad you heard that whisper and started down this path of sharing your journey and your wisdom that has come about as a result… I really appreciate your writings!

  8. I just love and look forward to reading your posts! You write from your beautiful heart! You are such an inspiration to so many. I especially liked this quote, ““When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” ~ Author Unknown” Thank you 🙂

  9. Hope s such a strong force in our life. Like you say, just that little whisper of hope can set you on a totally different path again. This was a great article Carolyn on how the small things in our life can make such a huge difference and of course God had a plan for you. He is not ready with you; I believe we will see great things from yet!! The future is bright!

  10. Love this post, Carolyn. I loved the comment “Someone else’s hope, no matter how insignificant, was infinitely better than none.” Sometimes that’s what we need just to get started and learn how to do this for ourselves. Thank you for this message filled with wisdom.

  11. I am VERY happy that you chose to rebuild from that 2%!! I know it could not have been easy, but I am so glad that you are here to share your story. You just never know who you are inspiring with your authentic message. : )

  12. Hope – yes – and faith, also – those two. They shine in what you write, Carolyn, all the more brightly because of the darkness they come out of. I have no doubt at all that you will make your dreams for yourself come true.

  13. I agree with the previous comments made; you are very good at communicating emotions through writing. I could visualize what I was reading as I was reading it. I have sat in those meetings as well, but as the mental health professionals. It is disheartening to hear about their behavior and especially about them saying it infront of you. Thank God that you used it as a motivating tool to move you forward. Some might have heard the things said and decided, well if they have no hope for me, I guess there is no hope for me. On a more personal note, I connected to your story because of the way you described hope. I suffer from several chronic illnesses that have disrupted my world for the last 15 years. There have been many times that I have wanted to give up, but it is that whisper of hope that always keeps me from doing so. I often wonder if that whisper will ever become muted. I am glad that it did not for you. Congratulations on your success! I am happy to have found your blog!

    • Thank you for your insightful comments Lauren. As a mental health professional you would have sat in many meetings and would know that not every professional is sensitive! The meeting I sat in took place nearly 20 years ago now and thankfully attitudes and treatment of patients has changed in the most for the better.
      So sorry to learn of your battle with illness and grateful that you have also found the hope to continue to battle. Love and blessings 🙂

  14. I love this but hate that they had so little hope for you. I’m glad you got out and did it for yourself. Forme, relying on other people’s hope for me was so important. Now I have my own, but for so long I had none.

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